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The Ministry of Health has issued a statement containing the precautions to be taken in the barbers, hairdressers and beauty salons that have been closed for 44 days due to the coronavirus epidemic, and the rules to be followed by the customers.

In the statement, due to the small number of workplaces in the barbershops, hairdressers and beauty salons and working conditions, close contact with customers (less than 1 meter, more than 15 minutes) may be involved, so both workplace workers and customers are protected as measures to protect during the coronavirus epidemic. It has been reported that it must follow the described rules.


In the statement, the measures to be taken regarding the workplace are listed as follows:

"Customers should be accepted by appointment to avoid crowding in the workplace.

Customers should be asked to arrive at the appointment time. The customer should be served with as few staff as possible, and these should be recorded.

This application will facilitate contact screening of the client or staff in the event of a coronavirus.

Social distance should be maintained outside the workplace and measures should be taken to prevent crowd.

The number of seats / units to be served in the workplace should be arranged in a way to maintain the social distance between individuals (for example, the number of seats should be reduced, one seat should be skipped and the customer should be seated).

Customers should be accepted as much as the number of seats / units in the workplace.

Unmasked customers should not be taken to work. Customers should use masks until the process, but they can remove the mask for a short period of time according to the nature of the process.

No person other than customer and employee should be present in the workplace and guests should not be taken.

Access to water and soap should be easy in the workplace and disposable paper towels should be available.

Hand antiseptic should be kept in order to be used by customers at the entrance of the workplace and its continuity should be ensured. Customers should be warned to wash their hands or use hand antiseptics after entering the workplace.

Products such as shampoos, cosmetics offered for sale at the workplace should be protected behind glass or benches as much as possible, and should not be left around. "





The statement also included measures for customers within the scope of the measures taken for protection from the epidemic. The rules set for customers to comply with the workplace are as follows:


"Pay attention to the social distance (at least 3-4 steps) with other customers.

Appointments must be made and the appointment time must be respected.

A mask (preferably medical) should be used.

After entering the work place, hands should be washed or hand antiseptic should be used.

Surfaces should not be touched unless necessary in the workplace.

After contact with the environment, hand antiseptic should be used. No request should be made for food and drink (except water). "




In the framework of measures to protect personnel, it was stated in the statement that the patient personnel (who have symptoms such as fever, cough, cold, shortness of breath) should not be employed:


"If symptoms such as fever, cough, cold, and shortness of breath develop while personnel are working, they should be directed to the pandemic hospital with the mask on.

Staff should be operated in shifts, and less staff should be available at the same time in the working environment.

It should be ensured that all working personnel wear masks in accordance with the rules.

The mask should be replaced as it gets wet or dirty.

It should be ensured that personnel who are in contact with the customer for less than 1 meter and who are likely to be in contact for more than 15 minutes use face protection. The face protector can be wiped after every customer with 70 percent alcohol.

Employees should be ensured to pay attention to hand hygiene. For this, hands should be washed with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, and rubbed with an alcohol-based hand antiseptic in the absence of water and soap. It is not necessary to use soap with antiseptic, normal soap is enough.

It should be ensured that the social distance is maintained and the wearing of a mask is maintained in the resting areas of the personnel.

While eating or drinking tea / coffee, it should be ensured that there is not more than one person at the same time in the closed area where this is done since the mask will be removed.

It must be ensured that the staff is not in contact or in isolation. "





Within the framework of the measures taken, the following regarding the environmental cleaning, disinfection and ventilation conditions in barbers, hairdressers and beauty salons were also noted:


"Cleaning should be done daily. However, frequently used areas should be cleaned more frequently.

Particular attention should be paid to the cleanliness of frequently touched surfaces (such as door handles, telephone handsets, desk surfaces) in cleaning the workplaces.

For this purpose, bleach (Sodium hypochlorite Cas No: 7681-52-9) containing 1/100 diluted (half a small tea glass to 5 liters of water) can be used for disinfection after cleaning with water and detergent.

Chlorine compounds can form corrosion on the surfaces.

It is a recommended disinfectant for durable surfaces.

1/10 diluted bleach (Sodium hypochlorite Cas No: 7681-52-9) should be used for toilet cleaning.

Disinfection of computer keyboards, telephone and other device surfaces where chlorine compounds are not suitable should be wiped with 70 percent alcohol.

Work benches, equipment and tools should be cleaned regularly and disinfected with 70 percent alcohol.

If customers use and touch the payment terminal, it should be disinfected with 70 percent alcohol right after it.

It should be ensured that cleaning staff use masks and gloves.

After cleaning, personnel should take off their masks and gloves and throw them into the trash at work, replace them with a new one if they use a washable cloth mask, and wash their hands with water and soap for at least 20 seconds, and rub them with an alcohol-based hand antiseptic in the absence of soap and water.

Date : 7.05.2020 / Location :
Hit : 1799