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During a ceremony organized by the Kırıkkale Chamber of Commerce and Industry, plaques were awarded to firms that have significantly contributed to the local economy as top taxpayers and exporters.

Kırıkkale's contribution to the local economy was recognized by awarding plaques to the top 10 taxpayers and the top 10 exporting firms for 2023. The ceremony took place at the KTSO Conference Hall. In his opening speech, Board President Ahmet Varlı thanked the firms that ranked in the top 10 for Income and Corporate Taxes in 2023 for their contributions to the local economy, production, and employment. He emphasized, “Whether the tax is high or low, what truly matters is fulfilling the tax obligations as a true patriot.” President Varlı also highlighted the significant contributions of exporting firms to the city’s economy and expressed hope that export figures will continue to rise in the future.

Plaques were presented to the top taxpayers by KTSO Board President Ahmet Varlı, while KTSO Council President Ömer Akçelik presented the awards to the exporting firms. The top 10 firms for corporate and income taxes in 2023 were Nomac Enerji Üretim Ltd. Şti., Bahadır Kimya AŞ, Kırıkkale Özel Yaşam Hastanesi AŞ, Realite Evcil Hayvan Ürünleri, Sinerji Yüksek Teknoloji AŞ, Elif Otomobil, Doğan Buyruk Tarım Makineleri Ltd. Şti., Doğuş İnşaat, Aytekin Ticaret, Erdoğan Kardeşler Nakliyat Ltd. Şti. Exporting firms included DSA Tarım Ürünleri, Emniyet Sanayi Zirai Aletler Ltd. Şti., Çanga Savunma Ltd. Şti., Yıldız Polietilen Ltd. Şti., Sezgin Çelik Döküm Ltd. Şti., ŞDL Zincir Ltd. Şti., Tosunlar Un Ltd. Şti., Bahadır Kimya AŞ, Sinerji İleri Teknoloji AŞ, Akçay Kolonya Ltd. Şti., and Yanar Kazan Makine Ltd. Şti.

Date : 27.06.2024 / Location :
Hit : 946