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Some areas where restrictions were not applied to individuals under the age of 20 were determined with the decision taken by The Provincial Hygiene Board, which was held on 7 and 9 April 2020 under the chairmanship of Kırıkkale Governor Yunus Sezer, and new measures were taken.

Accordingly, it has been observed that individuals who are restricted to go out in streets gather in places such as children's playgrounds, basketball courts which are common areas of the apartments play in these areas regardless of social distance and that the apartment and site managers do not comly with this ban. Together with the families, they should take the necessary precautions to prevent children from coming together and going out to these areas. Otherwise, administrative fines will be imposed on those who do not comply with the ban in accordance with Article 282 of the General Sanitary Law.

In the statement made by the Board, it was also stated that under the age of 20, pregnant women, puerperants and babies or children accompanied by at least one of their parents would be able to go to the family medicine they are affiliated to provided that necessary precautions are taken and social distance is respected.

In addition, people who were born after 01.01.2000, lost their physical, mental, spiritual, emotional and social abilities due to any illness or accident or who have not been able to fulfill their needs significantly and who need the support of others, remain in a closed area for a long time. As a result of considering the negativities that may occur on their health accompanied by parents or carers of children and young people with special needs diagnosed such as autism, severe mental reterdation and down syndrome, a report proving their ailments, etc. They were allowed to leave their residence, to walk around in parks and gardens, to travel by car in the same provincial borders on condition that they have the documents with them, fulfill the appropriate conditions that will prevent the spread of infection, comply with social distance rules, use masks, comply with hand cleaning and hygeine.  

09.04.2020 Tarihli İl Hıfzıssıhha Kurulu Kararları

07.04.2020 Tarihli İl Hıfzıssıhha Kurulu Kararları

Date : 17.04.2020 / Location :
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