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Dear valued member;

In accordance with the requests from you, the requests that we have forwarded to our public institutions through TOBB resulted as of 26 March 2020 are as follows.


The number of documents requested for the Short Work Allowance application has been reduced from 10 to 2
Medium-sized enterprises (with a turnover of up to 125 Million TL) were also included within the scope of “Commercial Receivable Insurance”, which is valid for micro and small-scale enterprises.
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry will make a support payment of approximately 1.9 billion TL as of March 27
Interest-free loans will be given up to 100 thousand TL for businesses that produce traditional animal products and 50 thousand TL for plants producing vegetal production under the leadership of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.


"Continuing Business Credit Support" was announced under the leadership of public banks. 6-month principal and interest free payments, 36-month maturity and 7.5% annual interest rate loan applications will start on 26 March 2020.
Conditions for benefiting from the Short Work Allowance have been improved. 600 days insurance premium requirement was reduced to 450 days, last 120 days premium payment requirement was reduced to 60 days *
Failure to pay the rental price until March 1, 2020 and June 30, 2020 will not constitute the reason for the termination and evacuation of the rental agreement *
In the tourism sector, all rent, revenue, and premium payments to be paid to the public between 1 April 2020 and 30 June 2020 have been postponed for 6 months *
Accommodation Tax postponed to 1 January 2021 *
Unpaid credit / check / promissory note / credit card debts from before March 24, 2020 will not be recorded in the registry if they are paid or restructured until December 31, 2020 *
Compensated working time increased from 2 months to 4 months *


VAT and BA / BS declarations and payments for March were delayed for 1 month.
The 6-month Concise and VAT delays for March, April, May were extended to include all private businesses and some additional sectors (Furniture, Mining, Construction, Industrial Kitchen, Car Rental, Printing, Healthcare).
The effective date of the Parking Regulation was postponed to 30 June.


Concise, VAT, SGK payments in April, May and June will be postponed for 6 months for the retail, shopping mall, iron and steel, automotive, logistics, transportation, cinema, theater, accommodation, food and beverage, textile apparel and event - organization sectors.
KGF support will be increased from 25 billion liras to 50 billion liras, thereby providing an additional surety limit of over 350 billion TL. Companies with liquidity and collateral deficits will be prioritized and SMEs.
As the Kovid-19 outbreak is affected by the measures related to the epidemic, credit principal and interest payments of companies whose cash flow is impaired will be delayed for a minimum of 3 months and additional financial support will be provided.
Additional credit limit will be allocated by public banks and some private banks for payments such as checks, salaries, loans, period-end interest.
Inventory financing support will be given to the exporter.
Rediscount loan repayments will be provided with a maturity extension of up to 90 days, new uses will be granted an additional 12-month closing period, credit utilization times will be extended to 240 days and long-term 720 days.
Receivables accrued by KOSGEB for 30 June will be postponed to 2021.
The Short Work Allowance process, which enables up to 60% of the gross salary of the unemployed staff to be received from the Unemployment Fund, will be facilitated and accelerated.
In this period, the compensatory working period, which is given for compensating the unworkable overtime, will be increased from 2 months to 4 months.
Flexible and remote working models will be made more effective.
Enforcement and bankruptcy proceedings will be stopped until April 30.
The companies' default status will be recorded in the credit registry of the firms that have defaulted in April, May and June.
Accommodation tax will not be applied until November.
The easement fees and revenue share payments for hotel rentals will be postponed for 6 months for April, May and June.
In airline passenger transportation, the VAT rate will be reduced to 1% by 30.06.2020
For the workplaces whose activities are compulsorily stopped, the public administrations will not accrue rental fees.
There will be no rent for 2 months from the incubators and commercial enterprises in the technoparks.
Recovery share (GEKAP) declarations will be given every six months.
Chauffeur, trailer or container change was initiated at the Kapıkule Border Gate (previously started in Habur) in the buffer zone. The application will be extended to Ipsala and Hamzabeyli gates.

Date : 27.03.2020 / Location :
Hit : 2662