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We visited our council member Emrah Doğan, who was recently appointed as the AK Party Central District President, in his office and conveyed our best wishes. Our Chairman of the Board Ahmet Varlı, Vice President Osman Rasim Olmez, Mustafa Karışmaz, Celal Kaplan, Muzaffer İlhan, Bilal Demircan and our Secretary General Ahmet Şerbetçioğlu attended the visit. Stating that Doğan being the head of the central district is happy as TSO Management, our chamber president Varlı said that they have full belief that he will fulfill this task successfully. Mayor Mehmet Saygılı later joined the conversation that took place in a friendly atmosphere. During the visit, the investments and services planned to be made in Kırıkkale in the near future were discussed. We congratulate Mr. Emrah Doğan, our councilor, who is the head of the AK Party Central District, and wish that his new duty will bring good luck to him and our city.

Date : 5.03.2020 / Location : AK PARTİ
Hit : 2083