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Within the scope of the member training activities of the Kırıkkale Chamber of Commerce and Industry, a seminar was held on the Institutionalization of Family Companies and the Family Constitution. TSO and Quality Line Training and Consultancy company in cooperation with the chamber member companies attended the seminar. The training aimed at the growth and successful institutionalization of family businesses, which are the backbone of the economy.

Quality Line General Manager Erol DİNÇKAL, who made a definition in the training, stated that family companies are established to ensure the family's livelihood and / or prevent the disintegration of the heritage, managed by the person who provides the livelihood of the family at least two generations from the family are companies that are employed in the institution. In addition, the phenomenon of institutionalization, explanation of the concept of institutionalization, forms of institutionalization, changes in the process of institutionalization, basic steps in the process of institutionalization, development stages of family companies, first generation family company managed by the owner manager, developing family companies (sister partnerships) ), Complex Family Companies (Cousin Partnerships), Family Companies Successful to be Permanent, Representation of Family or Families at the Board of Directors, Professional Working Conditions of Family Members, Company Strategy and Company Policies, Determination of Family Constitution Text, Determination of Personal Ownership Ratio and Limits of Family Members, Family Determination of Monthly Livelihoods of Individuals, Institutionalization Works to be carried out for the Family Company to be Moved to the Next Generations, Behaviors of Members Participating in Marriage to the Family, Profit The participants were also informed about Determination of Distribution Principles, Determination of Shares, Share Transfers, Public Offering Policies and Heritage Plan.

Aile Şirketlerinin Kurumsallaşması

Date : 10.12.2019 / Location : MECLİS TOPLANTI SALONU
Hit : 2085