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The meeting of Industrialists and Businessmen was arranged under the presidency of Governor of Kırıkkale Yunus Sezer in KTSO. At the meeting where the problems of the business world were discussed and solutions were sought, the investment potential of Kırıkkale was explained and information was given about KOSGEB supports. Governor Yunus Sezer listened to the demands of the business world at the meeting and said: “We need to go fast. There will be no bureaucratic obstacle to the business world in Kırıkkale. ”

The Governor Sezer said: “A very large company, we have allocated space and work on him continues. There is also an employment of about 300 people here. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry has come to a certain stage, there are steps to invest in the defense industry by establishing a company. During our discussions with the Defense Industry Presidency, we reached an agreement on Kırıkkale's specialization. UAVs are extremely popular right now, but there is a big way we have to go about unmanned ground vehicles. We are in the OSB, especially Kirikkale'nin unmanned land vehicles, companies here to make investments by selecting the center we have discussions. We are working on this issue. You invest. Just come to me every time you have a problem. Kırıkkale absolutely do not hang in any way bureaucracy, bureaucratic obstacle will not. Our door is open all day and night. We need to go fast. ”

Date : 5.12.2019 / Location : KONFERANS SALONU
Hit : 2368