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At the September meeting of TSO, the Board of Directors was authorized to establish the Defense Industry Company in the Arms Specialized OIZ. The company, which is planned to operate on software and R & D activities, will also produce for the defense industry.

Kırıkkale Chamber of Commerce and Industry 's September Assembly Meeting was held under the chairmanship of Ömer Akçelik. After reading and voting on the Board of Directors' activities and income expenses in August, another issue on the agenda was discussed. The Board of Directors was unanimously authorized to establish a software and R & D-oriented company for the Defense Industry in Arms Specialized OIZ where TSO is a 20% founding partner. Chairman of the Board of Directors Ahmet Varli, who provided information to the company about the company to be established, said that they put their hands under the stone to implement such a project in order to contribute to the country's economy and employment.

Date : 30.09.2019 / Location : KTSO
Hit : 2152