
We condemn the brutal murder

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Kirikkale Chamber of Commerce and Industry Assembly President;

Turkey is committed brutal last few days in our city, stinging conscience weeps my hand a murder. Next to his 10-year-old daughter, moreover; Emine Bulut, who was stabbed and murdered by her ex-wife in front of the public in an open space, incompatible with humanity, went down in history as the last ring of violence against women.

Even the fact that the perpetrator received the punishment he deserved in the murder of Emine Bulut, the latest example of violence against women, which could not be prevented, could not ease the conscience of the society. This savagery against our women, who are always in hand in our religion, traditions and social life, does not reflect the character of our city or our nation. Our supreme religion says, en Whoever kills a human is like killing all humanity ”. Women are never a means to free anger.

This is not only a legal and moral issue. It is a growing social wound. To say ‘stop to women's murders is a necessity of being human'.

Date : 23.08.2019 / Location : KIRIKKALE TSO
Hit : 2659