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Trade and Industry Chamber (TSO) Chairman Ahmet Varlı issued a press statement about 2019 Year Employment Campaign Project said that the Project launched at 2019 with the slogan 'This is Turkey here have business' .

TSO building Speaking at the briefing held at the TSO Chairman Assets, Ahmet Varlı said in a statement, "Our President Recep Tayyip Erdogan urged a new employment mobilization business World at TOBB Turkey economy convention on January 21st. Following this call by the President of the Republic, the Minister of Treasury and Finance, the Minister of Family, Labor and Social Services and the President of TOBB worked intensively for 2 weeks to prepare employment incentives. The legislative arrangement for these was passed quickly by the Parliament and was published in the Official Gazette and entered into force. 25 February 2019 TOBB President's hosting of Treasury and Finance Minister, Family, Labor and Social Services Minister with the room and with the participation of President of the Assembly of our Exchange President and TOBB Sector "This is Turkey here Have Work" employment with the slogan Campaign 2019 campaign was launched, "it gave expression to the place.

Ahmet Varlı stated that it is possible to access all the details about all these incentives at employment.com. If you think of a matter, you can reach the Kırıkkale Chamber of Commerce and Industry. These incentives also play an important role for accountants and company human resources managers as well as company owners and managers. We expect extra precision in terms of understanding and implementing employment incentives. In the coming period, we will continue to hold information meetings on employment incentives for our members with the participation of our Governor, District Governors, Mayors, Family, Labor and Social Services Ministry's local organizations and heads of business organizations .

 In our city, we will celebrate our members who provide the most extra employment every month. We handled the public-private sector in the 2017 employment campaign and provided 1.5 million additional jobs. The public-private sector has nothing to do with hand. I also call upon all our business and employers. We are speaking to every employer throughout the country; Turkey's confidence in the strength and future. Participate in Employment Mobilization 2019, benefit from these historical employment incentives. At least one unemployed by hiring our citizens, and improve your business, and get your contribution to economic growth, as well as investing in the future of Turkey, could be the winner. Yesterday's big winners are investing in Turkey, was providing employment in Turkey. The most winners of tomorrow, today are investing in Turkey, it will provide employment for our people. In this land we have never lost fertility and hope, we will not lose.

Date : 6.03.2019 / Location : KTSO
Hit : 2744