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As of 1 January 2019, an information meeting was held with the owners of the shopping center and tradesmen with the cooperation of Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Provincial Directorate of Trade and Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urbanization.  Some of the allegations in the social media in the meeting were also clarified.

In the meeting, while giving information about the law, at the same time 25 kurus  for what is to be spent and how much to stay in the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, how much work was told.

The opening speech of the information meeting was made by Ahmet Varlı, Chairman of the Executive Board of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Varlı said: “As the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, we request the meetings to be held in our room to inform our members about the implementation of such new laws. In this sense, I hope these meetings will be useful to our members. I hope for the good of our country”.

After Varlı speaking, Provincial Commercial Manager  Seyfettin Çetiner said that: “We do such meetings continuously. Although we cover the Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urbanization, we provide our support in this regard since they cover the workplaces. We are not only dealing with this issue but also dealing with other issues. We will continue to do these things. We will hold 25 meetings in 2019. We made the planning of 2019 and presented it to our governor Yunus Sezer”.

Provincial Manager of Environment and Urbanisation Uğur Atar: “As of the beginning of January 1 started with the application of paid bags. In order to change the environmental laws and additions were made to the environmental law. These decisions were taken unanimously in our assembly. How did we get to the bag? Our Ministry has initiated a project called zero waste.  The aim was to reduce waste, to prevent waste and to contribute to our economy as a waste recycling. As Kırıkkale, we started this practice as a pilot in Kırıkkale Municipality and Kırıkkale Governorate. In 2019, we plan to implement this practice in all public institutions. Even at the end of 2018, just like waste paper bags, paper, glass, metal, such as beautiful piggy bank were placed. The wastes will be collected separately and planned to be given to recycling companies”.

In the last section where the questions of the participants were answered, the Provincial Director of Environment and Urbanization, Uğur Atar and the Provincial Director of Commerce, Seyfettin Çetiner, clarified the situation of the request to return the sold bags. Social media causes many misleading information about the shopping bags unlike most of the purposeful of this application, both the environment and the economy will be a major contribution, he said.

Date : 9.01.2019 / Location : KTSO
Hit : 3089