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MHP Kirikkale deputy Halil Ozturk, Mayor candidate Serdar Yarar and the delegation with them visited the Kırıkkale Chamber of Commerce and Industry and spoke with the Chairman of the Executive  Board  Ahmet Varlı and the members of the Board of Directors about the upcoming local elections.

The MHP delegation visited the Kırıkkale Chamber of Commerce and Industry the previous day before the local elections to will be held on March 31st. Ahmet Varlı welcomed with Members of the Board of Directors to the delegation consisting of deputy Halil Öztürk, Mayor candidate Serdar Yarar and party organization members. Deputy Öztürk stressed that  Kırıkkale now needs the MHP Vision so that the upcoming elections in this sense is a great opportunity and  the party will be insist on the point of coming to the investor in the city. Ozturk said that public and private sector will be helped to eliminate any blockage that will be Kirikkale what to do if you want.

Mayor Candidate Serdar Yarar, who stated that they will introduce “40 solution  to 40 basic problems of Kırıkkale” Project with a comprehensive meeting to be held within 15 days, said that if they are selected, they will serve in a Professional way as well as doing road and garden with a sense of municipalism. Yarar emphased that they continue their works with the slogan of “Producing Municipality Branding Kirikkale” and he added that they aspire to manage Kırıkkale with a hardworking staff and they expect support from all walks for Kırıkkale to be managed with a common sense.

Defense industry and the existing work to be done for Kırıkkale TSO Chairman Ahmet Varlı said that the economic crisis by referring to the current situation due to all the investors' feet in the brake, as well as the business world is waiting for the elections. Iinvestors must be encouraged for the Weapon Specialization OSB from the point of stating that they need the support of political Assets. And he said that an attractive investment center of the deformation incentives point “whereby we weapon specializations in Turkey, one we are not then a positive discrimination could be a special status”. Stating that Kırıkkale TSO is composed of 32 members of parliament and more than 20 thousand members with different political views, Varlı realizes that all these parties and candidates are equal to all parties and candidates who participate in the elections as the necessity of being a civil society organization.  Varli added TSO as the city's development and flourishing will be taken to support each step.

Date : 2.01.2019 / Location : KTSO
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