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The incentives and supports provided by İŞKUR, SGK and KOSGEB to SMEs were introduced to the participants with a meeting organized in TSO.  At the meeting, which was chaired by Governor Yunus Sezer, problems of industrialists and solutions were discussed. Noting that the old state of the city is referred to each meeting, Governor Sezer, Kırıkkale re-born from the ashes should return to the old days, he said.

At the meeting held in Kırıkkale Chamber of Commerce and Industry Conference Hall, the participants were informed about the incentives and supports that SMEs and industrialists could use in areas such as employment, production, tax, premium, export and import.

Mr. Ahmet Varlı, Chairman of Executive Board of  KTSO, who made the opening speech of the meeting which attracted great interest, pointed out that in general, medium-sized enterprises can benefit from the incentives, and that the enterprises with low number of employment are excluded from the scope of their support; by making an arrangement, small enterprises can benefit from all kinds of support and incentives.

Governor Yunus Sezer  have expressed that the Industrialists and businessmen in accordance with the demands of all the problems solved in the shortest time to solve the problems they can not solve the higher authorities, Kırıkkale a multi-dimensional work plan has been created one of the most important feet of this plan is the industry and production activities.

Date : 18.12.2018 / Location : KTSO
Hit : 2937