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The industry leaders program is formed by gathering capacity reports prepared by chambers which are conneted to the TOBB and approved by TOBB. TOBB Indutry database includes 90.000 producers’ information of machine, raw material, production and for more than 4.000 products, the first three are calculated according to the production capacity. As a result of this calculation, first, second and third provinces are compared with the previous years on a sectoral and national basis.

As a result of first work, which was made in 2021, compared to 2020, 2463 out of 4000 product, production capacity is increased.  According to this, %62 of all product, which has production capacity in Turkey, increased production capacity, %28 decreased and %10 weren’t change. NACE 28: Machine and Equipment Production Sector, NACE 20: Chemical Product Production Sector and NACE 10: Food Product Production Sector are the sectors with the highest increase in production capacity. Within the scope of this program, İstanbul is the first, İzmir is second and Kocaeli is the third productive city.

You can find more information about the Leaders of the Industry Program, organized in coorperation with the Union of Chambers and Comodity Exchanges of Turkey and the Ministry of Industry and Technology, from the links below.

Date : 25.05.2022 / Location : TOBB
Hit : 1273