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The Joint Board of the Directors Meeting, which is held every three months, was hosted by the Commodity Exchange, in order to exchange views on professional issues and pruduce common solutions to problems.

In accordance with 99th Article of Law of The Unıon of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey numbered 5174, to create opinion about vocational subject, Chamber- Exchange Joint Board of the Director Meeting was arranged with the head of Board of Director of Kirikkale Chamöber of Commerce and Industry and President of Commodity Exchange once in 3 months. In the meeting introduction speech, which was hosted by Commodity Exchanges, Chairman of the TSO Varlı, who has expressed that they want to be active to solve and detection problems with the joint meeting, reminded that Kırıkkale Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Commodity Exchange have been working in harmony to set an example of unity and solidarity for years. Varlı said that” I believe that with the decisions we will make and steps we will take, we will sign good works with the joint meeting. I wish the decisions to be taken here will be beneficial for our province and region in advance.” In the joint meeting, province’s general economic situation and date of next meeting were discussed.

Date : 27.01.2022 / Location :
Hit : 1318