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Expressing that Kırıkkale Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School quota for which Kırıkkale Chamber of Commerce and Industry is responsible, is 100% filled according to LGS transfer results, TSO Chairman Ahmet Varlı thanked students and parents for their correct choices.

Within the scope of the Vocational Education Cooperation Protocol signed between the Ministry of National Education, the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey and TOBB ETU, the quota for the examination of Kırıkkale Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, for which Kırıkkale Chamber of Commerce and Industry is responsible, has been filled by 100%. Making a statement on the subject, Ahmet Varlı, Chairman of the Board of Directors of KTSO, said that according to the transfer results announced on July 26 and August 9, regarding the High School Entrance Exam held on June 6, the quota for admission by examination for Kırıkkale Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School was 100%, exceeding the country average. . Noting that the occupancy rate of Vocational and Technical Anatolian High Schools across Turkey is 77%, Varlı stated that this rate is 96% in schools within the scope of the Vocational Education Cooperation Protocol. Stating that the address-based quota of Kırıkkale Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, which reached a 100% occupancy rate in the recruitment quota, was filled by 83%, Varlı pointed out that the high rate of occupancy achieved was achieved by the Vocational Education Cooperation Protocol and in this context, the chambers' ownership of vocational high schools. Varlı also congratulates the students who took the first step to have a profession by choosing Kırıkkale Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, which provides quality education in the fields of Machinery and Design Technology, Industrial Automation Technologies, Motor Vehicles Technology and Installation Technologies and Air Conditioning, with a high employment rate at the end of the education, their parents and He thanked MEB, TOBB and TOBB ETÜ, the parties to the Vocational Education Cooperation Protocol.

Date : 23.08.2021 / Location : KIRIKKALE
Hit : 1884