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In his statement on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the treacherous coup attempt, Kırıkkale Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chairman Ahmet Varlı said that the Turkish people wrote an epic with their hearts on July 15, 2016, and that the despicable attempts made against the indivisible integrity of the Republic of Turkey will never reach their goal.

Expressing that the night of the 15 July treacherous coup attempt was one of the longest nights in history, TSO Chairman Ahmet Varlı said that all citizens who ensured victory against terrorists for their country and homeland wrote a great epic that would set an example for the world. Underlining that the Turkish nation showed its devotion to democracy and patriotism to the whole world on July 15, Varlı said that during the process, all dynamics, especially citizens, politicians and NGOs in Kırıkkale, showed their will by coming down to the square, as they were all over the country. and the spirit of togetherness also contributed greatly to the failure of the coup attempt.

Stating that the treacherous coup attempt, to which the Turkish people responded with the spirit of Çanakkale, gave the message "Turkey is Impenetrable" to the whole world, Varlı gave the following statements in his statement; “In the face of the vile coup attempt on July 15, 2016, our beloved nation has put its lives on the line with its women, men, old people and young people, taking a firm stand against this treacherous attack on its own will and freedom, and brought about a resurgence. July 15 is the day when it is proven once again that the real power of a nation is not its tanks, cannons or rifles, but its faithful children, and it is taught to friends and enemies that no power can ever be hostage or surrender the nation and its will, and that it cannot change power by unlawful means and methods. This country was made a homeland by being watered with the blood of martyrs, many lives were sacrificed for the sake of the homeland, the whole world witnessed this in Çanakkale, Sakarya, the War of Independence, and finally in the squares of 81 provinces. What we have to do is to strengthen our country by keeping this spirit of unity alive and to bring it to the level of contemporary civilizations.

We wish God's mercy to all our martyrs who drank the sherbet of martyrdom in the defense of the homeland, to our martyrs of July 15, who defended their country at the cost of their lives for their independence and future, and we express our deepest gratitude to our veterans who were injured in the struggle against traitors. May our brotherhood, national spirit and solidarity be forever.

Date : 14.07.2021 / Location :
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