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In order to contribute to the elimination of the financing problems of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs), the Nefes Loan project, which was successfully realized with the contributions of our chambers/exchanges in the past, has been restarted. The protocol regarding the project was signed with the Credit Guarantee Fund and banks. The banks that signed the protocol are Ziraat Bank, Halkbank, Vakıfbank, İş Bank, Garanti Bank, Yapı ve Kredi Bankası, Akbank, Denizbank, Ziraat Participation and Vakıf Katılım Bankası.

In this framework, members of chambers and commodity exchanges will be able to apply and use loans from all branches of the mentioned banks in our province or districts as of Tuesday, 01.06.2021. Other details about the project are as follows:

1) The loan to be used by our members will be 6 months with no principal and interest payment, then a total of 18 months with a repayment of 12 months in equal installments. The gross interest rate of the loan to be extended is 17.50% per annum.

2) Banks with which the protocol has been signed will not demand any costs or commissions from the members except for the 0.03% (three out of ten thousand) bail application fee and commission to be paid to KGF and the 1% bank commission.

3) Members whose 2020 turnover is 25% lower than their 2019 turnover will be able to benefit from the loan. This condition will not be sought for companies established in 2019 or later. The turnover loss condition will be controlled by the lending bank.

4) Enterprises with a turnover of less than 1 million TL in 2020 will be able to use a maximum of 50,000 TL, and enterprises with a turnover between 1 million TL and 10 million TL (inclusive) will be able to use a maximum of 200,000 TL.

5) In order to be able to apply for a loan, SMEs will first receive an activity certificate from our chamber with the inscription "For Breathing Loan Application" as an explanation. (The bank will not accept requests without this document.) Activity documents must be submitted as of 01.06.2021, which is the beginning of the project. Activity certificates issued before this date will be invalid.

6) All risk and collateral in lending will belong to the banks with which protocols are signed and KGF with the support of the Ministry of Treasury and Finance. Deposits blocked by our chambers and commodity exchanges will not be covered by the guarantee. During the credit evaluation process, our Association and our Chamber will not participate in any credit approval on companies requesting credit, and will not give references.

7) No material collateral will be required for loan disbursement. However, if a third party guarantor cannot be found in private enterprises, financial guarantee may be requested upon the request of the customer.

Date : 1.06.2021 / Location :
Hit : 1499