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The introduction of 2021-01 and 2021-02 Project Calls for Proposals with the theme "DIGITALIZATION IN THE MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY" prepared by KOSGEB within the scope of the SME Development Support Program was announced to our members at the online information meeting held at our chamber.

Stating that all members should benefit from the project call by KOSGEB, which includes a non-refundable up to 300,000 TL per business and a total support of up to 1,000,000 TL with a refund up to 700,000 TL (in return for a guarantee or KGF guarantee) In his opening speech, Varli said that it is a great opportunity for manufacturers who are experiencing economic difficulties due to the pandemic. Pointing out that the state provided many support opportunities for industrialists and SMEs in this process, Varlı underlined that these opportunities were not used very much. Emphasizing that as Kırıkkale Chamber of Commerce and Industry, they provide the necessary support for all members to take advantage of these opportunities, Varlı said that they are in constant contact with KOSGEB, Development Agency and all provincial directorates, and that a solution can be reached in a very short time when necessary.

In the presentation made by KOSGEB Provincial Director Köksal Özen and expert İbrahim Alsancak, subjects such as who can participate in the support program, application conditions, duration of the project, upper limit and areas to be supported were explained. In the question and answer session at the end of the meeting, the subjects stuck in the minds of the participants were highlighted.

You can access the presentation file used in the meeting by clicking HERE.

Date : 22.04.2021 / Location : WEBINAR
Hit : 1884