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Kırıkkale Civil Society Organizations reacted to the midnight declaration made by a group of 103 retired admirals. Our Chairman of the Board, Ahmet Varlı, read the press release at the joint press conference held in the meeting room of our chamber.

Our Chamber, Kırıkkale Commodity Exchange, Kırıkkale Union of Tradesmen and Craftsmen Chambers, MUSIAD, ASKON, KIMDER, HAYSIAD, Charity Foundation, Chamber of Drivers, Auto Industry and Blacksmiths Chamber, New World Foundation, Science Dissemination Society, World Association, Groceries Chamber, Chamber of Restaurants, At the joint press conference held with the participation of the Service and Transporters' Chamber, the Chamber of Minibuses, and the Media and Journalists Association, 103 retired admirals reacted to the declarations of the coup in the form of directing politics and waving a finger at the national will. The press statement read by Ahmet Varlı, our Chairman of the Board of Directors, who said that the growing and developing Turkey has already buried epaulet politics in history:

‘As it is known, last weekend, at night, 104 retired admirals issued a statement in their own right, citing unnecessary polemics regarding the Montreux Straits Convention, which is one of the artificial agenda topics of the last days, and carried water to the mill of forces whose purpose was to imprison Turkey entirely on its borders.

This declaration, which has the implication of a blow and shook a finger at the will of the nation, is considered as null and void. This nation has already buried "epaulet politics" in history. We condemn with hatred and reject the declaration, which targets the national will and was written by the tutelary mentality ”

This country has always seen the biggest wound in the period when the national will was suspended. The 60 revolutions, 71 memorandums, 80 revolutions, the 28 February process, the 27 April declaration and finally the 15 July attempt were based on the same scenarios and caused great damage to the country.

However, coup enthusiasts should remember July 15 and take their minds on their heads. Turkey is no longer the old Turkey. We would like to remind the aspiring coups, who threaten the will of the nation, the farmers who burned their crops so that the planes would not take off on July 15, and the industrialists who took their vehicles as a cover for their nation.

The timing of this initiative is also significant as we, as the business world, are trying to minimize the effects of the epidemic process we are in with our state and strengthen the economy.

Everyone who maneuvers against the strengthening of Turkey at home and abroad should know that their pawns will not be able to block Turkey, which is growing and getting stronger.

In this painful case that has been brought to the judiciary, we are fully convinced that the Turkish judiciary will do whatever is necessary against this coup-minded mentality that is eager to exploit the Turkish Armed Forces, the pupil of our nation, for their ugly ambitions.

The dynamics of our society As Non-Governmental Organizations, we stand by our state and our nation today and tomorrow as we did yesterday.

Date : 5.04.2021 / Location : KTSO
Hit : 1728