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18 March 1915 is more than a military and political success in our glorious history; It is the birth date of an epic woven with faith, determination and valor. This history is one of the most honorable and brightest pages of the history of Turkish heroism, which is full of successes of both offensive and defensive wars. On the 106th anniversary of the Çanakkale Victory, which we celebrate with pride and enthusiasm, we remember with mercy, gratitude and longing our sainted martyrs who sacrificed their lives for our heavenly homeland. May their spirits be happy, their places be heaven.

Like the whole world, we, as a country, have an obligation to be united and to act in solidarity in these days when we are going through a difficult period. As in the face of all kinds of difficulties in history, we can resist and defeat the epidemic that threatens us today by fighting with the spirit of unity, by obeying the rules and fulfilling our part. There is no force that can stand against the determination of the Turk. We can show this to the world again in 106 years.

On this occasion, we celebrate the 106th anniversary of the 18 March Çanakkale Victory, which tells the world the Turkish determination and power in the best way, and we commemorate our cherished martyrs and heroic veterans with gratitude, mercy and respect.


Ahmet Varlı

Kırıkkale Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Chairman of The Executive Board

Date : 17.03.2021 / Location :
Hit : 1716