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Kırıkkale Chamber of Commerce and Industry December council meeting was held in the assembly meeting room under the chairmanship of Ömer Akçelik. Within the scope of pandemic measures, the 2021 budget was adopted at the meeting held in accordance with social distance and mask rules.

The last assembly meeting of 2020 in Kırıkkale Chamber of Commerce and Industry was held under the presidency of Ömer Akçelik in the assembly meeting room within the framework of pandemic rules. Speaking at the opening of the meeting, which had a busy agenda since it was the last meeting of the year, Ahmet Varlı, Chairman of the Board of Directors, explained the services provided by the chamber for the members within 1 year. Providing information about the affiliates and fixed payments of the chamber, Varlı wished happy years to all councilors at the end of his speech.

Following the discussion of the activities of the Board of Directors, which was read by Secretary General Ahmet Şerbetçioğlu, the November income-expense monitoring report was discussed and unanimously accepted. Later at the meeting, the estimated income-expenditure budget for the year 2021, annual registration fee and subscription tariff, and fee tariffs for services, transfer between chapters, staff list, article 65 of the per diem law were discussed and unanimously accepted. At the meeting, the maximum bread price tariff was also discussed and it was decided to sell 210 grams of bread for 1.5 TL in Kırıkkale.

Date : 25.12.2020 / Location : KTSO MECLİS TOPLANTI SALONU
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