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Dear Members,

In cooperation with TOBB ETÜ,Türk Tractor, Hacettepe Teknokent TTM and KTO Karatay Universty BIGG GARAGE Green Growth Program, 450,000 TL TUBITAK BIGG grant support started to accept applicatiions for the nev term. 

With Türk Tractor mentors; 

- Efficiency in agriculture with technology  

- Sustainability in agriculture 

- You can discuss and improve your solutions on digital solutions for farmers! 

 Working on green technologies within the scope of the Green Reconciliation Action Plan, 

Developing a project that includes R&D and innovation and a nonrefundable amount of 450,000 TL We are waiting for entrepreneur candidates who want to establish their own company with 100% grant. 

For Application and Detailed Information: etugaraj.orj 

TUBİTAK BIGG Program is a 100% nonrefundable grant support program opened by TÜBİTAK to support projects involving ‘’Technological R&D and Innovation’’. 

As TOBB ETU Technology Office more than 1000 entrepreneurship trainings, which we held online in more than 20 provinces and online within the scope of the BIGG GARAGEvProgram since 2015, and more than 500ventrepreneurs in our mentoring program, and 80 teams received 13.1 Million TL grants. Entitled to support. 

Technologybased entrepreneurship trainings,business plan creation and project weiting trainings and all mentoring support to be provided within the scope of BIGG GARAJ Program will bw provided free of charge by TOBB ETU TTO- GARAJ. 

Thematic Areas 

Climate Change, Environmement and Biodiversity: Climate Change, Carbon Emission and Greenhouse Gas 

Studies to Contribute to the Purpose of Regulatio of Emissions  

Clean and Circular Economy 

Clean Accessible and Secure Energy Supply 

Green and Sustainable Agriculture: From Farm to Table Sustainable Agriculture  

Sustainable Smart Transportation  

Application Conditions  

Being a student or graduate of any associate, graduate or doctoral program  

Previously, Ministry of Industy and Technology Technoenterprise Capital Support or TUBİTAK  

Not having received support under the 2nd phase of the 1512 Program 

Not to be included in the partnership strecuture as of the preapplication date.


Date : 3.08.2022 / Location :
Hit : 1587