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Dear Members,

With demand from our member Turkey Chambers and Stock Exchanges Union as a result of attempts have been made, the Personal Data Protection Authority (KVKK) verbis within the scope of the obligation to register in the period were extended.

With the decision dated 27.12.2019 and numbered 2019/387 published by the Personal Data Protection Authority; The period determined for real and legal person data controllers with an annual number of employees more than 50 or with an annual financial balance of more than 25 million TL, as well as real and legal person data controllers residing abroad, to fulfill their obligation to register in the Registry of Data Controllers, is extended until 30.06.2020 decided.

In the same decision; The number of employees per year is less than 50 and the total annual financial balance is less than 25 million TL and the period given to the real or legal person responsible persons whose main activity is the processing of special quality personal data to fulfill their registration and notification obligation to the Registry until 30.09.2020 and the public institution and its organizations, it has been decided to extend it until 31.12.2020.

Thus, according to the decision published last year, real and legal person data controllers have been given an additional 6 months for the VERBIS registration process that will expire on December 31, 2019.

Date : 3.01.2020 / Location :
Hit : 3164