
Customs Transactions Are Now Easier, More Transparent

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A system that provides information about the current situation of the goods subject to trade, which is one of the problems faced by the industrialists and businessmen while importing and exporting, has been implemented.


Thanks to the Customs Goods Tracking and Analytical Performance Program (GET-APP) developed by the Ministry of Customs and Trade, where the imported or exported goods are now, which transactions are completed, for which transactions, how long these transactions are completed, how long the remaining transactions information can be accessed freely on a computer or mobile phone. This new application, which allows every step of the transactions in the customs to be monitored instantly from start to finish, also allows to instantly see and evaluate the reaction processes of companies, carriers, port administrations, customs brokerage and all institutions and organizations involved in the movement of goods.


Thanks to the Customs Goods Tracking and Analytical Performance Program (GET-APP), it is also easier to diagnose transactions that cause loss of time and cost increase in foreign trade. This application, which facilitates the foreign trade logistics process and customs affairs by making it transparent, will accelerate the transition to an accountable, performance and target-oriented structure, thanks to the system, end-to-end traceability in foreign trade transactions will increase, all transactions will become faster, easier, cheaper and safer. Members who want to take advantage of the application, which includes more detailed information on the website of the Ministry of Customs and Trade, will be able to apply with MERSİS and YKTS without dealing with bureaucratic procedures.

Date : 7.02.2018 / Location :
Hit : 3120